The blagotube home of Sune Kirkeby. Here are rambling rants and some bits of code.

24. Mar

SNI-support for requests

The ssl module in Python 2’s standard library does not support the SNI TLS-extension, and it probably never will, which means that the brilliant requests HTTP library is also missing SNI-support on Python 2.

Now that urllib3 has a contrib-module for SNI-support on Python 2 this might change, but if you don’t want to wait for the updated urllib3 to be included in a requests release, you can monkey-patch requests yourself:

  1. Install the required packages:

    pip install pyOpenSSL ndg-httpsclient pyasn1
  2. Download and put it somewhere on your PYTHONPATH.

  3. Monkey-patch requests somewhere early in your application (possibly in a sitecustomize module):

        import requests_pyopenssl
        from requests.packages.urllib3 import connectionpool
        connectionpool.ssl_wrap_socket = requests_pyopenssl.ssl_wrap_socket
    except ImportError:

If you want to test that it works, the following Python script should print “requests SNI-support Ok” when run:

    import requests_pyopenssl
    from requests.packages.urllib3 import connectionpool
    connectionpool.ssl_wrap_socket = requests_pyopenssl.ssl_wrap_socket
except ImportError:

import requests
for host in ['alice', 'bob', 'carol', 'dave', 'mallory', 'www']:
    response = requests.get('' % host)
    html = response.content.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
    assert 'Great!' in html, host

print 'requests SNI-support Ok'
This post was written by Sune Kirkeby on 2013-03-24, and claimed to be mostly about code. Also, it has these tags: python requests http ssl sni.
