The blagotube home of Sune Kirkeby. Here are rambling rants and some bits of code.

24. Mar

SNI-support for requests

The ssl module in Python 2’s standard library does not support the SNI TLS-extension, and it probably never will, which means that the brilliant requests HTTP library is also missing SNI-support on Python 2.

Now that urllib3 has a contrib-module for SNI-support on Python 2 this might change, but if you don’t want to wait for the updated urllib3 to be included in a requests release, you can monkey-patch requests yourself:

  1. Install the required packages:

    pip install pyOpenSSL ndg-httpsclient pyasn1
  2. Download and put it somewhere on your PYTHONPATH.

  3. Monkey-patch requests somewhere early in your application (possibly in a sitecustomize module):

        import requests_pyopenssl
        from requests.packages.urllib3 import connectionpool
        connectionpool.ssl_wrap_socket = requests_pyopenssl.ssl_wrap_socket
    except ImportError:

If you want to test that it works, the following Python script should print “requests SNI-support Ok” when run:

    import requests_pyopenssl
    from requests.packages.urllib3 import connectionpool
    connectionpool.ssl_wrap_socket = requests_pyopenssl.ssl_wrap_socket
except ImportError:

import requests
for host in ['alice', 'bob', 'carol', 'dave', 'mallory', 'www']:
    response = requests.get('' % host)
    html = response.content.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
    assert 'Great!' in html, host

print 'requests SNI-support Ok'
This post was written by Sune Kirkeby on 2013-03-24, and claimed to be mostly about code. Also, it has these tags: python requests http ssl sni.
23. Mar

Ubuntu vs

Sometimes it is almost like the Ubuntu developers go out of their way to annoy the rest of the world, this time (for ancient values of “this time”) the Python package-maintainer decided to add a sitecustomize module to the Python standard library. This is not what sitecustomize is for, sitecustomize is for “performing arbitrary site-specific customizations”.

This is pretty annoying, when you want to use sitecustomize for its intended purpose, so puppet to the rescue:

file { ['/usr/lib/python2.7/',
    ensure => removed,